p5.js welcomes libraries contributed by others! Check out the libraries tutorial for more specifics about how to create one. If you have created a library and would like to have it included on this page, submit a pull request on GitHub!
a stereoscopic anaglyph scene of 3D terrain
A library for creating 3D stereoscopic 3D scenes and images using red/cyan glasses. By Jenna deBoisblanc
The p5.bezier text with curves of different colors.
p5.bezier helps draw Bézier curves with more than four control points and closed curves. By Peiling Jiang
The text 'p5.brush' surrounded by colored brush strokes.
Unlock custom brushes, natural fill effects and intuitive hatching in p5.js. By Alejandro Campos Uribe
Three gradients (linear, radial, and conic) created using p5.fillGradient
Fill shapes in p5.js with Linear, Radial and Conic Gradients. By Jorge Moreno
A grid of square pattern showcasing a multitude of colors.
CMYK color for p5.js. By JT Nimoy
Waves coloured using different tints of yellow
p5.colorGenerator generates harmonious color schemes by starting from a given base color or selecting a random color as a starting point. By Alex Codes Art
Color palettes in p5.js
A library to manage color palettes in p5.js. By Remistura Studio
User Interface
Various controls shown on a canvas
Create GUI controls directly on your canvas. By Peter Lager
Screenshot of p5.5.js
Add UI to p5.js and other goodies. By Kris HEYSE
a rectangle on a black background with a green outline with the text p5.Modbuttons inside, there are multiple dials and sliders around the central rectangle
a simple and modular button system for p5js. By 7vector
A grid of buttons and sliders created by the library.
p5.touchgui is intended to extend p5.js and make it easy to add buttons, sliders, and other GUI (graphical user interface) objects to your p5.js sketches, enabling you to focus on quickly iterating ideas with easily created GUI objects that work with both mouse and multi-touch input. By Carlos L05 Garcia
The text [MatrixJs] with a long shadow and a bit of bloom
A basic javascript library for dynamic and powerful matrices based on lists wrapped around with a powerful class. By RandomGamingDev
A matrix and a vector both filled with asterisks. The math is written in white on a red background.
A friendly and intuitive math library for p5.js. By Nick McIntyre
Various colored shaped overlapping and colliding representing the functions of the p5.collide2d library
p5.collide2D provides tools for calculating collision detection for 2D geometry with p5.js. By Ben Moren
An image of 2 vectors, a large red one, and a smaller blue one, with the VecJs name on the red one
A basic javascript library for dynamic vectors (e.g. vec2 & vec3) based on lists. By RandomGamingDev
View All (1)Algorithms
Limited Voronoi
c2.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding based on computational geometry, physics simulation, evolutionary algorithm and other modules. By Ren Yuan
A line showing an outline of points
Calculate a Concave Hull from a set of points in 2D space. By Mark Roland
9 video effects of the author's face in a 3x3 grid
A dashboard for mixing video in the browser. By John Henry Thompson
A colorful image of circles and squares generated with procedural functions like a cellular automaton, fibonacci sequence and drunk randomness from this library.
Total Serialism
A toolbox full of methods for procedurally generating and transforming arrays mainly focused on algorithmic composition. Includes methods like markov-chain, cellular automaton, lindenmayer system, euclidean distribution and much more! Generate the array with your desired method and easily iterate over them in a for-loop to draw the results. By Timo Hoogland
An egg cut up into slices
A library for constructive solid geometry. Do Boolean operations on your p5.Geometry to make new shapes! By Dave Pagurek
A ladder looking up a shaft towards some light, going progressively more out of focus as it goes into the distance
A library for rendering 3D scenes with depth-of-field blur and with ambient occlusion shadows. By Dave Pagurek
A logo and description of 'p5.simpleAR' library are placed in the center.
A simple JavaScript library that easily converts existing p5.js sketches to AR. By Tetsunori Nakayama
Four images of a 3D airplane twisting upside-down
Fast 3D domain warping using shaders. By Dave Pagurek
AI, ML, and CV
View All (1)Animation
People represented by circles and lines are walking in various directions. A logo and description of 'BMWalker.js' library are placed in the center.
A simple JavaScript library for drawing the biological motion 'Walker'. By Tetsunori Nakayama
p5.js spheres with texture from hydra and 'HY5' text, processed a second time with hydra.
hydra 🙏 p5.js ~ share visuals between both frameworks! By Ted Davis
A circle and a Bézier curve animated with p5.animS
Animates p5.js shapes by rendering their drawing processes. By wixette
Three cascading waves created using p5.createLoop
Create animation loops with noise and GIF exports in one line of code. By mrchantey
Different property materials and color adjustments applied to Standford Dragon geometry, using LYGIA's reusable functions
LYGIA is a shader library of reusable functions that will let you prototype, port or ship a project in just few minutes. It's very granular, flexible and efficient. Support multiple shading languages and can easily be added to any project, enviroment or framework of your choice. By Patricio Gonzalez Vivo
A grid of ASCII characters representing perlin noise, with a centered logo reading "p5.asciify".
Apply real-time ASCII conversion to your favourite WebGL p5.js sketches to create unique, text-based visuals instantly. By humanbydefinition
The cover image for the p5.FIP library. Depicts a collage of three photos created using the filters in p5.FIP.
Real-time image processing library - add filters and post-processing to your p5.js sketches. By Darragh Nolan
A non-Euclidean geometry cube with faces showcasing teapot, bunny, and Buddha models.
Shader development and space transformations WEBGL p5.js library. By Jean Pierre Charalambos
The text 'i hear you' above the text 'you hear me'
p5.speech provides simple, clear access to the Web Speech and Speech Recognition APIs, allowing for the easy creation of sketches that can talk and listen. By R. Luke DuBois
rita.js logo
tools for natural language and generative writing. By Daniel C Howe
A browser window and a chip with an LED and a Bluetooth icon exchanging information via arrows back and forth
A Javascript library that enables communication between your BLE devices and your p5.js sketch. By Yining Shi, Jingwen Zhu y Tom Igoe
An image of 3D printed vase made with p5.fab, next to lines of G-Code overlayed with the title 'p5.fab'.
p5.fab controls digital fabrication machines from p5.js! By Blair Subbaraman
A radiating polar grid of concentric circles and lines, like a radar screen.
p5.geolocation provides techniques for acquiring, watching, calculating, and geofencing user locations for p5.js. By Ben Moren
Joystick image
Connect and play with physical joysticks. By Vamoss
View All (1)Teaching
Wave equation on the upper left corner and right upper corner has a graph of cosine function plus some polynomial terms. A logo and description of 'p5.teach.js' library are placed in the center.
A beginner friendly math animation library for p5.js. By Aditya Siddheshwar, Nick McIntyre y Jithin KS
simple.js logo
Helper functions and defaults for young and new coders. By Tariq Rashid
View All (1)Export
p5.capture: Record your p5.js sketches effortlessly!
Record your p5.js sketches effortlessly! By tapioca24
a grid of wobbly circles of ink of different riso colors overlapping and blending
p5.Riso is a library for generating files suitable for Risograph printing. It helps turn your sketches into multi-color prints. By Sam Lavigne y Tega Brain
An abstract VHS tape
Record your canvas as a video file with audio. By Caleb Foss
An image of text that says "p5snap" next to a grid of frames from an animated sketch
a command-line interface to create snapshots of sketches. By Zach Krall
p5.flex preview image
p5 container with responsive canvas feature. By Zaron Chen
Two rounded rectangles with ellipses between. connecting lines give the effect of messages being sent between the rectangles via the ellipses.
p5.localmessage provides a simple interface to send messages locally from one sketch to another. By Ben Moren
The cover image for the library. Displays the name of the library on a deep pink background.
Extend p5 with Quality of Life utilities. By Jens Bachmayer
There are two concentric rectangles. From smaller inside rectangle's corners, dotted lines with arrows point to the inside corners of the larger outside rectangle.
Smart scaling of p5.js sketches in a variety of ways (to fit the browser's inner dimensions, to fit the canvas DOM container, to a specific ratio, etc). By Rodjun y Monica Rizzolli