A container for data that's stored as key-value pairs.
Objects help to organize related data of any type, including other objects. A value stored in an object can be accessed by name, called its key. Each key-value pair is called a "property." Objects are similar to dictionaries in Python and maps in Java and Ruby.
For example, an object could contain the location, size, and appearance of a dog:
// Declare the dog variable and assign it an object.
let dog = { x: 50, y: 50, size: 20, emoji: '🐶' };
// Style the text.
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// Draw the dog.
text(dog.emoji, dog.x, dog.y);
The variable dog
is assigned an object with four properties. Objects are declared with curly braces {}
. Values can be accessed using the dot operator, as in dog.size
. In the example above, the key size
corresponds to the value 20
. Objects can also be empty to start:
// Declare a cat variable and assign it an empty object.
let cat = {};
// Add properties to the object.
cat.x = 50;
cat.y = 50;
cat.size = 20;
cat.emoji = '🐱';
// Style the text.
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// Draw the cat.
text(cat.emoji, cat.x, cat.y);
An object's data can be updated while a sketch runs. For example, the cat
could run away from the dog
by updating its location:
// Run to the right.
cat.x += 5;
If needed, an object's values can be accessed using square brackets []
and strings instead of dot notation:
// Run to the right.
cat["x"] += 5;
This syntax can be helpful when the key's name has spaces, as in cat['height (m)']
Referencias Relacionadas
Una lista que mantiene diferentes tipos de datos en orden Los arreglos son útiles para almacenar datos relacionados.
Una plantilla para crear objetos de un tipo en particular.
Una forma de repetir un bloque de código cuando se conoce el número de iteraciones.
Un grupo de declaraciones con nombre.