Effect is a base class for audio effects in p5.
This module handles the nodes and methods that are common and useful for current and future effects.
This class is extended by p5.Distortion, p5.Compressor, p5.Delay, p5.Filter, p5.Reverb.
p5.Effect([ac], [input], [output], [_drywet], [wet])
Reference to the audio context of the p5 object
Gain Node effect wrapper
Gain Node effect wrapper
Tone.JS CrossFade node (defaults to value: 1)
Effects that extend this class should connect to the wet signal to this gain node, so that dry and wet signals are mixed properly.
Set the output volume of the filter.
Link effects together in a chain Example usage: filter.chain(reverb, delay, panner); May be used with an open-ended number of arguments
Adjust the dry/wet value.
Send output to a p5.js-sound, Web Audio Node, or use signal to control an AudioParam
Disconnect all output.