Reference p5.Image


A class to describe an image.

Images are rectangular grids of pixels that can be displayed and modified.

Existing images can be loaded by calling loadImage(). Blank images can be created by calling createImage(). p5.Image objects have methods for common tasks such as applying filters and modifying pixel values.



p5.Image(width, height)





The image's width in pixels.


The image's height in pixels.


An array containing the color of each pixel in the image.

Colors are stored as numbers representing red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) values. img.pixels is a one-dimensional array for performance reasons.

Each pixel occupies four elements in the pixels array, one for each RGBA value. For example, the pixel at coordinates (0, 0) stores its RGBA values at img.pixels[0], img.pixels[1], img.pixels[2], and img.pixels[3], respectively. The next pixel at coordinates (1, 0) stores its RGBA values at img.pixels[4], img.pixels[5], img.pixels[6], and img.pixels[7]. And so on. The img.pixels array for a 100×100 p5.Image object has 100 × 100 × 4 = 40,000 elements.

Accessing the RGBA values for a pixel in the image requires a little math as shown in the examples below. The img.loadPixels() method must be called before accessing the img.pixels array. The img.updatePixels() method must be called after any changes are made.



Gets or sets the pixel density for high pixel density displays.

By default, the density will be set to 1.

Call this method with no arguments to get the default density, or pass in a number to set the density. If a non-positive number is provided, it defaults to 1.


Loads the current value of each pixel in the image into the img.pixels array.

img.loadPixels() must be called before reading or modifying pixel values.


Updates the canvas with the RGBA values in the img.pixels array.

img.updatePixels() only needs to be called after changing values in the img.pixels array. Such changes can be made directly after calling img.loadPixels() or by calling img.set().

The optional parameters x, y, width, and height define a subsection of the image to update. Doing so can improve performance in some cases.

If the image was loaded from a GIF, then calling img.updatePixels() will update the pixels in current frame.


Gets a pixel or a region of pixels from the image.

img.get() is easy to use but it's not as fast as img.pixels. Use img.pixels to read many pixel values.

The version of img.get() with no parameters returns the entire image.

The version of img.get() with two parameters, as in img.get(10, 20), interprets them as coordinates. It returns an array with the [R, G, B, A] values of the pixel at the given point.

The version of img.get() with four parameters, as in img,get(10, 20, 50, 90), interprets them as coordinates and dimensions. The first two parameters are the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the subsection. The last two parameters are the width and height of the subsection. It returns a subsection of the canvas in a new p5.Image object.

Use img.get() instead of get() to work directly with images.


Sets the color of one or more pixels within an image.

img.set() is easy to use but it's not as fast as img.pixels. Use img.pixels to set many pixel values.

img.set() interprets the first two parameters as x- and y-coordinates. It interprets the last parameter as a grayscale value, a [R, G, B, A] pixel array, a p5.Color object, or another p5.Image object.

img.updatePixels() must be called after using img.set() for changes to appear.


Resizes the image to a given width and height.

The image's original aspect ratio can be kept by passing 0 for either width or height. For example, calling img.resize(50, 0) on an image that was 500 × 300 pixels will resize it to 50 × 30 pixels.


Copies pixels from a source image to this image.

The first parameter, srcImage, is an optional p5.Image object to copy. If a source image isn't passed, then img.copy() can copy a region of this image to another region.

The next four parameters, sx, sy, sw, and sh determine the region to copy from the source image. (sx, sy) is the top-left corner of the region. sw and sh are the region's width and height.

The next four parameters, dx, dy, dw, and dh determine the region of this image to copy into. (dx, dy) is the top-left corner of the region. dw and dh are the region's width and height.

Calling img.copy() will scale pixels from the source region if it isn't the same size as the destination region.


Masks part of the image with another.

img.mask() uses another p5.Image object's alpha channel as the alpha channel for this image. Masks are cumulative and can't be removed once applied. If the mask has a different pixel density from this image, the mask will be scaled.


Applies an image filter to the image.

The preset options are:

INVERT Inverts the colors in the image. No parameter is used.

GRAY Converts the image to grayscale. No parameter is used.

THRESHOLD Converts the image to black and white. Pixels with a grayscale value above a given threshold are converted to white. The rest are converted to black. The threshold must be between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white). If no value is specified, 0.5 is used.

OPAQUE Sets the alpha channel to be entirely opaque. No parameter is used.

POSTERIZE Limits the number of colors in the image. Each color channel is limited to the number of colors specified. Values between 2 and 255 are valid, but results are most noticeable with lower values. The default value is 4.

BLUR Blurs the image. The level of blurring is specified by a blur radius. Larger values increase the blur. The default value is 4. A gaussian blur is used in P2D mode. A box blur is used in WEBGL mode.

ERODE Reduces the light areas. No parameter is used.

DILATE Increases the light areas. No parameter is used.


Copies a region of pixels from another image into this one.

The first parameter, srcImage, is the p5.Image object to blend.

The next four parameters, sx, sy, sw, and sh determine the region to blend from the source image. (sx, sy) is the top-left corner of the region. sw and sh are the regions width and height.

The next four parameters, dx, dy, dw, and dh determine the region of the canvas to blend into. (dx, dy) is the top-left corner of the region. dw and dh are the regions width and height.

The tenth parameter, blendMode, sets the effect used to blend the images' colors. The options are BLEND, DARKEST, LIGHTEST, DIFFERENCE, MULTIPLY, EXCLUSION, SCREEN, REPLACE, OVERLAY, HARD_LIGHT, SOFT_LIGHT, DODGE, BURN, ADD, or NORMAL.


Saves the image to a file.

By default, saves the image as a PNG image called untitled.png.

The first parameter, filename, is optional. It's a string that sets the file's name. If a file extension is included, as in'drawing.png'), then the image will be saved using that format.

The second parameter, extension, is also optional. It sets the files format. Either 'png' or 'jpg' can be used. For example,'drawing', 'jpg') saves the canvas to a file called drawing.jpg.

Note: The browser will either save the file immediately or prompt the user with a dialogue window.

The image will only be downloaded as an animated GIF if it was loaded from a GIF file. See saveGif() to create new GIFs.


Restarts an animated GIF at its first frame.


Gets the index of the current frame in an animated GIF.


Sets the current frame in an animated GIF.


Returns the number of frames in an animated GIF.


Plays an animated GIF that was paused with img.pause().


Pauses an animated GIF.

The GIF can be resumed by calling


Changes the delay between frames in an animated GIF.

The first parameter, delay, is the length of the delay in milliseconds.

The second parameter, index, is optional. If provided, only the frame at index will have its delay modified. All other frames will keep their default delay.

Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/image/p5.Image.js and open a pull request!

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