
Loads an XML file to create a p5.XML object.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a standard format for sending data between applications. Like HTML, the XML format is based on tags and attributes, as in <time units="s">1234</time>.

The first parameter, path, is always a string with the path to the file. Paths to local files should be relative, as in loadXML('/assets/data.xml'). URLs such as 'https://example.com/data.xml' may be blocked due to browser security.

The second parameter, successCallback, is optional. If a function is passed, as in loadXML('/assets/data.xml', handleData), then the handleData() function will be called once the data loads. The p5.XML object created from the data will be passed to handleData() as its only argument.

The third parameter, failureCallback, is also optional. If a function is passed, as in loadXML('/assets/data.xml', handleData, handleFailure), then the handleFailure() function will be called if an error occurs while loading. The Error object will be passed to handleFailure() as its only argument.

Note: Data can take time to load. Calling loadXML() within preload() ensures data loads before it's used in setup() or draw().



loadXML(path, [successCallback], [errorCallback])



path of the XML file to be loaded.


function to call once the data is loaded. Will be passed the p5.XML object.


function to call if the data fails to load. Will be passed an Error event object.

Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/io/files.js and open a pull request!

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