레퍼런스 getNum()


Return an attribute's value as a Number.

The first parameter, name, is a string with the name of the attribute being checked. For example, calling myXML.getNum('id') returns the element's id attribute as a number.

The second parameter, defaultValue, is optional. If a number is passed, as in myXML.getNum('id', -1), it will be returned if the attribute doesn't exist or can't be converted to a number.

Note: Use myXML.getString() or myXML.getNum() to return an attribute's value.



getNum(name, [defaultValue])



name of the attribute to be checked.


value to return if the attribute doesn't exist.

Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/io/p5.XML.js and open a pull request!

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