Reference createSelect()


Creates a dropdown menu <select></select> element.

The parameter is optional. If true is passed, as in let mySelect = createSelect(true), then the dropdown will support multiple selections. If an existing <select></select> element is passed, as in let mySelect = createSelect(otherSelect), the existing element will be wrapped in a new p5.Element object.

Dropdowns extend the p5.Element class with a few helpful methods for managing options:

  • mySelect.option(name, [value]) adds an option to the menu. The first paremeter, name, is a string that sets the option's name and value. The second parameter, value, is optional. If provided, it sets the value that corresponds to the key name. If an option with name already exists, its value is changed to value.
  • mySelect.value() returns the currently-selected option's value.
  • mySelect.selected() returns the currently-selected option.
  • mySelect.selected(option) selects the given option by default.
  • mySelect.disable() marks the whole dropdown element as disabled.
  • mySelect.disable(option) marks a given option as disabled.
  • mySelect.enable() marks the whole dropdown element as enabled.
  • mySelect.enable(option) marks a given option as enabled.






support multiple selections.


select element to wrap, either as a p5.Element or a HTMLSelectElement.

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