Reference doubleClicked()


A function that's called once when a mouse button is clicked twice quickly.

Declaring the function doubleClicked() sets a code block to run automatically when the user presses and releases the mouse button twice quickly:

function doubleClicked() {
  // Code to run.

The mouse system variables, such as mouseX and mouseY, will be updated with their most recent value when doubleClicked() is called by p5.js:

function doubleClicked() {
  if (mouseX < 50) {
    // Code to run if the mouse is on the left.

  if (mouseY > 50) {
    // Code to run if the mouse is near the bottom.

The parameter, event, is optional. doubleClicked() is always passed a MouseEvent object with properties that describe the double-click event:

function doubleClicked(event) {
  // Code to run that uses the event.

On touchscreen devices, code placed in doubleClicked() will run after two touches that occur within a short time.

Browsers may have default behaviors attached to various mouse events. For example, some browsers highlight text when the user moves the mouse while pressing a mouse button. To prevent any default behavior for this event, add return false; to the end of the function.






optional MouseEvent argument.

Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/events/mouse.js and open a pull request!

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