Reference loadModel()


Loads a 3D model to create a p5.Geometry object.

loadModel() can load 3D models from OBJ and STL files. Once the model is loaded, it can be displayed with the model() function, as in model(shape).

There are three ways to call loadModel() with optional parameters to help process the model.

The first parameter, path, is always a String with the path to the file. Paths to local files should be relative, as in loadModel('/assets/model.obj'). URLs such as '' may be blocked due to browser security.

The first way to call loadModel() has three optional parameters after the file path. The first optional parameter, successCallback, is a function to call once the model loads. For example, loadModel('/assets/model.obj', handleModel) will call the handleModel() function once the model loads. The second optional parameter, failureCallback, is a function to call if the model fails to load. For example, loadModel('/assets/model.obj', handleModel, handleFailure) will call the handleFailure() function if an error occurs while loading. The third optional parameter, fileType, is the model’s file extension as a string. For example, loadModel('/assets/model', handleModel, handleFailure, '.obj') will try to load the file model as a .obj file.

The second way to call loadModel() has four optional parameters after the file path. The first optional parameter is a Boolean value. If true is passed, as in loadModel('/assets/model.obj', true), then the model will be resized to ensure it fits the canvas. The next three parameters are successCallback, failureCallback, and fileType as described above.

The third way to call loadModel() has one optional parameter after the file path. The optional parameter, options, is an Object with options, as in loadModel('/assets/model.obj', options). The options object can have the following properties:

let options = {
  // Enables standardized size scaling during loading if set to true.
  normalize: true,

  // Function to call once the model loads.
  successCallback: handleModel,

  // Function to call if an error occurs while loading.
  failureCallback: handleError,

  // Model's file extension.
  fileType: '.stl',

  // Flips the U texture coordinates of the model.
  flipU: false,

  // Flips the V texture coordinates of the model.
  flipV: false

// Pass the options object to loadModel().
loadModel('/assets/model.obj', options);

Models can take time to load. Calling loadModel() in preload() ensures models load before they're used in setup() or draw().

Note: There’s no support for colored STL files. STL files with color will be rendered without color.



loadModel(path, normalize, [successCallback], [failureCallback], [fileType])
loadModel(path, [successCallback], [failureCallback], [fileType])
loadModel(path, [options])



path of the model to be loaded.


if true, scale the model to fit the canvas.


function to call once the model is loaded. Will be passed the p5.Geometry object.


function to call if the model fails to load. Will be passed an Error event object.


model’s file extension. Either '.obj' or '.stl'.


loading options.

Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/webgl/loading.js and open a pull request!

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