A Number
system variable that tracks the mouse's previous horizontal position.
In 2D mode, pmouseX
keeps track of the mouse's position relative to the top-left corner of the canvas. Its value is mouseX from the previous frame. For example, if the mouse was 50 pixels from the left edge of the canvas during the last frame, then pmouseX
will be 50.
In WebGL mode, pmouseX
keeps track of the mouse's position relative to the center of the canvas. For example, if the mouse was 50 pixels to the right of the canvas' center during the last frame, then pmouseX
will be 50.
If touch is used instead of the mouse, then pmouseX
will hold the x-coordinate of the last touch point.
Note: pmouseX
is reset to the current mouseX value at the start of each touch event.
Related References
A function that's called once when a mouse button is clicked twice quickly.
Exits a pointer lock started with requestPointerLock.
A String system variable that contains the value of the last mouse button pressed.
A function that's called once after a mouse button is pressed and released.