Reference touchMoved()


A function that's called when the user touches the screen and moves.

Declaring the function touchMoved() sets a code block to run automatically when the user touches a touchscreen device and moves:

function touchMoved() {
  // Code to run.

The touches array will be updated with the most recent touch points when touchMoved() is called by p5.js:

function touchMoved() {
  // Paint over the background.

  // Mark each touch point while the user moves.
  for (let touch of touches) {
    circle(touch.x, touch.y, 40);

The parameter, event, is optional. touchMoved() will be passed a TouchEvent object with properties that describe the touch event:

function touchMoved(event) {
  // Code to run that uses the event.

On touchscreen devices, mouseDragged() will run when the user’s touch points move if touchMoved() isn’t declared. If touchMoved() is declared, then touchMoved() will run when a user’s touch points move and mouseDragged() won’t.

Note: touchStarted(), touchEnded(), and touchMoved() are all related. touchStarted() runs as soon as the user touches a touchscreen device. touchEnded() runs as soon as the user ends a touch. touchMoved() runs repeatedly as the user moves any touch points.






optional TouchEvent argument.

Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/events/touch.js and open a pull request!

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