Reference createVector()


Creates a new p5.Vector object.

A vector can be thought of in different ways. In one view, a vector is like an arrow pointing in space. Vectors have both magnitude (length) and direction. This view is helpful for programming motion.

A vector's components determine its magnitude and direction. For example, calling createVector(3, 4) creates a new p5.Vector object with an x-component of 3 and a y-component of 4. From the origin, this vector's tip is 3 units to the right and 4 units down.

p5.Vector objects are often used to program motion because they simplify the math. For example, a moving ball has a position and a velocity. Position describes where the ball is in space. The ball's position vector extends from the origin to the ball's center. Velocity describes the ball's speed and the direction it's moving. If the ball is moving straight up, its velocity vector points straight up. Adding the ball's velocity vector to its position vector moves it, as in pos.add(vel). Vector math relies on methods inside the p5.Vector class.



createVector([x], [y], [z])



x component of the vector.


y component of the vector.


z component of the vector.

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