Reference textOutput()


Creates a screen reader-accessible description of shapes on the canvas.

textOutput() adds a general description, list of shapes, and table of shapes to the web page. The general description includes the canvas size, canvas color, and number of shapes. For example, Your output is a, 100 by 100 pixels, gray canvas containing the following 2 shapes:.

A list of shapes follows the general description. The list describes the color, location, and area of each shape. For example, a red circle at middle covering 3% of the canvas. Each shape can be selected to get more details.

textOutput() uses its table of shapes as a list. The table describes the shape, color, location, coordinates and area. For example, red circle location = middle area = 3%. This is different from gridOutput(), which uses its table as a grid.

The display parameter is optional. It determines how the description is displayed. If LABEL is passed, as in textOutput(LABEL), the description will be visible in a div element next to the canvas. Using LABEL creates unhelpful duplicates for screen readers. Only use LABEL during development. If FALLBACK is passed, as in textOutput(FALLBACK), the description will only be visible to screen readers. This is the default mode.

Read Writing accessible canvas descriptions to learn more about making sketches accessible.







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