参考 nfs()


Converts a positive Number into a String with an extra space in front.

nfs() converts positive numbers such as 123.45 into strings formatted with an extra space in front, as in ' 123.45'. Doing so can be helpful for aligning positive and negative numbers.

The first parameter, num, is the number to convert to a string. For example, calling nfs(123.45) returns the string ' 123.45'.

The second parameter, left, is optional. If a number is passed, as in nfs(123.45, 4), it sets the minimum number of digits to include to the left of the decimal place. If left is larger than the number of digits in num, then unused digits will be set to 0. For example, calling nfs(123.45, 4) returns the string ' 0123.45'.

The third parameter, right, is also optional. If a number is passed, as in nfs(123.45, 4, 1), it sets the minimum number of digits to include to the right of the decimal place. If right is smaller than the number of decimal places in num, then num will be rounded to the given number of decimal places. For example, calling nfs(123.45, 4, 1) returns the string ' 0123.5'. If right is larger than the number of decimal places in num, then unused decimal places will be set to 0. For example, calling nfs(123.45, 4, 3) returns the string ' 0123.450'.



nfs(num, [left], [right])
nfs(nums, [left], [right])



number to format.


number of digits to include to the left of the decimal point.


number of digits to include to the right of the decimal point.


numbers to format.

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