Reference noise()


Returns random numbers that can be tuned to feel organic.

Values returned by random() and randomGaussian() can change by large amounts between function calls. By contrast, values returned by noise() can be made "smooth". Calls to noise() with similar inputs will produce similar outputs. noise() is used to create textures, motion, shapes, terrains, and so on. Ken Perlin invented noise() while animating the original Tron film in the 1980s.

noise() always returns values between 0 and 1. It returns the same value for a given input while a sketch is running. noise() produces different results each time a sketch runs. The noiseSeed() function can be used to generate the same sequence of Perlin noise values each time a sketch runs.

The character of the noise can be adjusted in two ways. The first way is to scale the inputs. noise() interprets inputs as coordinates. The sequence of noise values will be smoother when the input coordinates are closer. The second way is to use the noiseDetail() function.

The version of noise() with one parameter computes noise values in one dimension. This dimension can be thought of as space, as in noise(x), or time, as in noise(t).

The version of noise() with two parameters computes noise values in two dimensions. These dimensions can be thought of as space, as in noise(x, y), or space and time, as in noise(x, t).

The version of noise() with three parameters computes noise values in three dimensions. These dimensions can be thought of as space, as in noise(x, y, z), or space and time, as in noise(x, y, t).



noise(x, [y], [z])



x-coordinate in noise space.


y-coordinate in noise space.


z-coordinate in noise space.


Number: Perlin noise value at specified coordinates.
Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/math/noise.js and open a pull request!

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